SliM - Suisse 42 - by Phil Tyler
Hull 70 g revised to 40g
Rig 20 g Servos, Rx, Tray 38 g Ballast 330 g revised to 300g with 40g hull Keel 20 g Rudder, Arm, Push rod 6 g Battery 30 g Total 514 g Ballast ratio 64% LOA 335 mm Beam 80 mm Years ago, while sailing full size
dinghies, I can remember being advised to sail a properly tried and
tested boat in a regatta. Although this advice is probably perfectly
valid for model yachts too, I’m afraid I didn’t follow this
advice for the Footy Gold Cup in Le Havre! In fact I didn’t follow
that advice trying the BoX 4 when sailing in Sestriere for the
previous year’s Gold Cup either. However, it made me feel much
better to see a significant number of other skippers with new boats
at both of these regattas.
Phil Tyler
has spent many years sailing dinghies, windsurfers, catamarans and keelboats. Although originally based in England, is fortunate to have had plenty of opportunities to sail in many other parts of the word. Since moving to Switzerland in 2002, discovered radio controlled model yachting. Most recently the Footy has appealed as an economical, easily transportable and great design, build and sail ‘development’ class. |