Footy Class Model Yachting Association of Great Britain Affiliation Documentation
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With regard to the Model Yachting Association and the representation of Footy Owners in Great Britain, the Footy Class Association recognizes, understands and agrees the following.
1. ABBREVIATIONS MYA - Model Yachting Association CA - Class Association affiliated to the MYA
2. DEFINITIONS Affiliated Class Association - A class association for a particular class of model yacht that has entered into an agreement with the MYA. MYA Club - Affiliated Member MYA member whose MYA affiliation fee was paid through an MYA affiliated club.
3. NAME 3.1 The name of the CA will be established by the CA.
4. OBJECTS 4.1 The MYA understands the objects of the CA shall include: 4.1.1 To promote and develop Footy sailing and racing in the UK. 4.1.2 To provide and maintain Footy class management in the UK. 4.1.3 Organize and publicize Footy events throughout the year. 4.1.4 Assist event organisers to Footy host events.
4.2 Additional objects shall be: 4.2.1 To promote and publicise the activities of the MYA and its membership. 4.2.2 Follow the general principles of MYA racing and sailing procedure to maintain a consistent approach throughout the sport.5. GOVERNANCE 5.1 The CA shall be self-governing in accordance with its Constitution.
6. CA AFFILIATION TO THE MYA 6.1 The CA’s affiliation to the MYA is subject to having agreed and understood the following:
6.1.1. Affiliation of the CA to the MYA requires that the CA shall encourage all its members to become ‘MYA Club Affiliated Members’. This will be achieved by CA members either joining an established MYA club or by forming a new MYA club under appropriate MYA regulations. 6.1.2 The CA has demonstrated that it has a written constitution and elected officers. 6.1.3 The CA has demonstrated that there are at least 30 registered and measured boats of the Footy class being sailed and raced regularly within Great Britain. 6.1.4 Details of the CA membership and the numbers of ‘MYA Club Affiliated Members’ within that membership shall be submitted annually to the MYA. 6.1.5. CA Officers shall be ‘MYA Club Affiliated Members. 6.1.6. The major championship of the Footy will be given MYA National Championship status. All those entering Footy MYA National Championship shall be CA members and ‘MYA Club Affiliated Members’except foreign nationals who shall be a member of a foreign club affiliated to a Delegated National Member of IRSA and produce proof of third party liability insurance cover. 6.1.6 The event shall be run in accordance with MYA regulations for National Championships and the MYA SSI’s. 6.1.7 All other Footy events shall be run as determined by the CA subject to clause 4.2.2, and all CA members shall be entitled to race.
6.2 The CA will set the affiliation fee for their members. CA members who are ‘MYA Club Affiliated Members’ will pay their MYA affiliation fee in the normal way.
7. REPRESENTATION at MYA COUNCIL 7.1 The appointed CA representative may be invited to attend Council Meetings in order to deal with any matters specific to the Footy class as required. They shall not have a vote. 8. ENTITLEMENTS and RESTRICTIONS 8.1 Affiliation of the CA to the MYA will enable the following entitlements: 8.1.1 CA’s may use any of the MYA documentation in relation to the running of CA organised events. 8.1.2 The CA may use the MYA logo and name within its publicity material. 8.1.3 Events organised by the CA will be included within MYA calendar of events and the online calendar which provides facility for online entry. 8.1.4 The Footy may be promoted by the Class Association at MYA exhibitions and within the MYA publicity material. 8.1.5 The CA will have access to the MYA’s magazine ‘The Acquaint’ and MYA web facilities to report and promote its activities.
9.1 The CA’s finances and accounts need not be reported to the MYA. 9.2 A race levy shall apply to the Footy National Championship in the same way as for other MYA national championships. However, the entry fee for the event shall be set by the CA.